Tuesday, July 21, 2009

North: to Alaska!

Day One of the "Alaska Bicycle Adventure" can be summed up in one word: CHALLENGING!

We faced blinding headwinds and driving rain throughout our bicycling in very chilly temperatures. We started off from Anchorage around 11:00 in the morning and didn't stop pedaling 'til 9:30 that evening, when we reached the little town of Whittier. Although we were tired, soaked to the bone and sore, it was such a great feeling of relief to finally make it to our destination.

Reminds me of our journey of faith: sometimes we feel that everything is blowing against us and we're being tossed from side to side. However, deep inside we are confident that with God all things are possible and we continue to push on, one pedal after another. And, when we finally reach our goal, it will have been worth it all!

Special thanks to Pastor Ken and Sherri Buller in Anchorage! I so enjoyed their terrific hospitality and the opportunity to speak at their church Sunday morning.

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