Wednesday, September 14, 2011

New Lifestyle, Same Life

Five months have passed since my three heart attacks that rocked my world in Moscow, Russia. So much has happened since then it is difficult to put in words. After the placement of successful stints, two in Moscow, and one in Helsinki, Finland, Jill and I returned home to the Northwest for a seven-week medical leave and a chance to hug my granddaughters again.

Returning to the states had a greater emotional feeling for me now than ever before. Over the past 19 years, whenever Jill and I came home, I focused on my parents and food. However, with my mom and dad both with the Lord and the doctors placing me on a strict diet, those feelings changed. Seeing Alex and Val and their families at the airport to meet us was such joy. Just one month earlier, I did not know if I would have that opportunity again. Now, here I stood with tears in my eyes hugging my kids and grand kids. To me, this was a gift of God.

Enjoyable visits with family occupied much of my time over the next months. During this period, I began to see things in a new way, one where only a close encounter with death seems to allow. For the first time since entering the adult world, relationship took center stage over anything else. Although I still honor a strong work ethic, now my greatest joy is visiting with my children or going on a bicycle ride with two beautiful, little granddaughters.

On the somewhat funny side, I faithfully attend the local OGC meetings three times a week during my medical leave. Of course, you may not know what OGC means so I will explain the term. OGC or OLD GEISERS CLUB is the name I gave to my cardiology rehab department. I was the youngest person there with most of my fellow OGC members 30 years my senior. The goal of OGC was in teaching how to strengthen hearts and teach healthy life management skills. However, the primary focus of these weekly events seemed to be on pains, medicines and bathroom experiences. Although of value, at times I left feeling quite depressed that I was one of the OGC’s but I faithfully attended every session for the good of my heart!

After completing my required OGC attendance, my cardiologist gave me a 100% clean bill of health the last week of July. HERE IS THE MIRACLE: FROM NOT KNOWING IF, I WOULD LIVE THROUGH THE NIGHT IN MOSCOW MID-MAY TO HAVING A CLEAN BILL OF HEALTH LATE JULY IS A GOD-GIVEN MIRACLE! Today, I am back to my normal self, although some may wonder if that statement is a contradiction of terms. A week after walking out of the OGC meeting for the last time, with the blessing of my cardiologist and Jill, I went on a 430-mile bicycle trip across parts of Washington, Canada and Idaho. For the first time in five years of long distance bicycle riding, I felt wonderful the entire trip. I love being a miracle of God!

Jill and I have now returned to our mission ministry at Caribbean School of Theology, getting ready to teach a wonderful group of Christian leaders/pastors the Word of God. Although we know without a doubt God’s direction for us to partner with this great ministry in the West Indies, much of our heart remains in Russia. In March/April, we return to teach a series of classes to students.

Jill and I know that many people around the world prayed for our miracle. We want to say, “Thanks” for those prayers. I believe I am here by the mercy of God, the prayers of many and because our work is not finished. Email us any time to visit; we are thrilled to hear from you. God bless!


Ike Amadi said...

Hey Pastor....we miss you so much and it's so refreshing to read about the work the Lord is using you to do in the Carribeans.

God's blessings!!!

Ike Amadi

Anonymous said...

I am so glad for the great update and God's healing touch in your life! Praising God with you both! Judi b :)