Friday, February 3, 2012

Can that be true?

In my last blog, our schedule listed a few of our travels in the next weeks. Once I began to look at the schedule, I was surprise. Here is our mission travel schedule from February 11 through April 21, or the next 10 weeks:

-8 Sunday Services
-160 Class hours (subjects: Holy Spirit, Missiology, and, Leadership Principles)
-20 flights
-3 countries (Guyana, Russia, and Belize), and,
-1 missions convention in Fairfield, Ohio

It is a full schedule for sure, however, we are excited about the voice God has given us to speak into this generation. Pray for these precious students as they come from many different backgrounds with amazing stories of how God brought them to this place in life. This is why God has placed us serve the next generation and help lift up their hands.

P.S. Not only do we travel many miles, it is an extreme difference between the temperatures of sub-zero Russia to the Belize highs of 90 plus!

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