Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Journey

Think about this African American church prayer that clearly explains the Christian journey.

"Lord, we're not what we want to be,
we're not what we need to be, we're not what we are going to be, but thank God Almighty, we're not what we use to be

Looking back at the last 18 months, this prayer accurately describes the way Jill and I have felt. Although we know we are moving forward as we trust God for His guidance, "we're not what we are going to be". God-directed journey's always involve trust and faith. Without those two elements, the voyage would be impossible.

Most times I try to paint pictures in my blog that describe successes or victories. However, today I am expressing a longing or spiritual goal. It is our desire in these difficult days in America and around the world to do everything we can to stay focused and faithful to journey to which God has called us. It is so easy to slip into a spirit of comfort and just wait for the Lord's return or overcome with the hurdles in front of us. Either will hinder vision for God and the message of the gospel.

Sitting around and waiting is boring and worrying about blockades will never move us past them. I desire to live on the edge, serve where I can and help whenever possible. We love ministry, everywhere! Now is the time to be active rather than passive.

Once Nehemiah learned about the despair and suffering of his nation, after much prayer, he rose up and went to help his people. The success of Nehemiah was not in the completion of the walls but rather when he left his comfort zone and went into the unknown under God’s guidance. Throughout our missions' journey, Jill and I have tried to follow God regardless of location or comfort. That is still our greatest desire, simple obedience.

As the Lord brings us to your mind, please remember us in your prayers. We know it is the prayers of our friends that have kept us going strong for these 20 years of missions. As God opens doors, we are willing to do 20 more. Thanks and together let us state clearly, we will 'work while it is day because the night is coming when no one can work.'

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